Friday, December 30, 2011

Another Meaningless College Bowl Game

It’s that time of year again – where teams that barely finished above .500 get invited to another meaningless college bowl games designed to make them feel good about themselves. Yes, it is the collegiate version of the ‘Participation Trophy’ that small children get so that their self-esteem isn’t crushed. At least those are given for, at most, a weekend’s worth of activity. The bowl games go on for a month.

Some of these games are absolutely ridiculous, such as today’s Pinstripe Bowl. Really? The Pinstripe Bowl? Who would sponsor such a thing? The suits worn by Chicago gangsters during the 1930′s? The New York Yankees? Guess we now know why the Steinbrenners are not spending money on free agents this year. The sponsorship rights for this bowl game must have really cut into their budget.

So, who actually cares about these games? Well, the parents of the players involved. Maybe. Chances are, most of them are bored out of their skulls, like they’re stuck watching some crappy elementary school play. At any rate, the only people that have any real interest in these games are degenerate gamblers and Las Vegas. Yup, more chances to separate so-called ‘experts’ from their cash when they bet on a college they just learned existed.

Seriously, why do these bowl games exist? Just to pump more money into the coffers of the NCAA. Meanwhile, they will just continue to be ignored by the world at large.

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