Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The baseball season is almost upon us

Over the next few days, the equipment trucks of the various major league baseball teams will head towards their Spring Training compounds. Loaded up with bats, balls, uniforms, and other gear, each truck carries with them the promise of a new season. There is a clean slate, and each team believes (unless you're the Pirates or the Indians) that they can compete and make the playoffs.

In a way, the baseball season is a lot like a relationship. At the start of each year, like at the beginning of a new relationship, there is hope - hope that this is finally the time it all comes together. Spring training is a lot like the getting to know you phase, where you learn the flaws of the team, and try to make adjustments. Then the season hits. As the season continues, expectations increase and decrease, depending on how the team performs. Like a relationship, as it stretches on, expectations flucuate based on the compatability with the other person. Finally, in the end, all but one team and fanbase is left disappointed, which is akin to how difficult it is to find a viable relationship.

Baseball is, in a lot of ways, a fitting metaphor for life. Think of how many times you attempt something, only to have it not work out. Then realize that a .300 batting average is the same as a 30% success rate. This is why baseball is so ingrained into the national conciousness, because it is a game predicated on failure with occassional successes. It speaks to how life works, and reminds us that no matter how many times we fail, eventually we will find success.

So here's to a new season. If nothing else, it should be an interesting ride.

1 comment:

  1. As always, the "bright" side of things from Mr. Dave.
