Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tiger Woods Did PEDs

The evidence is circumstantial at best, but where there is smoke, there is usually fire. Let's connect the dots here.

We have here a person the likes of which his sport had never seen before. A person who could, seemingly without exerting any effort, could drive a ball to incredible distances. A person who would seemingly win an event that he showed up for, just based off of his intimidation presence alone. A golfer who was built more like a linebacker. A golfer that actually lifted weights, as opposed to being the out of shape hobbyists that the rest of the PGA Tour consisted of. An actual athlete that happened to play golf. That person was Tiger Woods.

Fast forward to October of 2009. Dr. Anthony Galea, who just so happened to be the personal doctor of Tiger Woods, was charged in federal court for bringing Human Growth Hormone and similar substances into the United States, as well as lying to border guards to avoid being caught. Now Dr. Galea, who plead guilty in court on Wednesday, admitted that he brought these substances in to treat athletes.

Woods claims that HGH and steroids were never a part of any treatments that he received from Dr. Galea. So, we are to believe a guy who is a known liar and cheat when he claims that he never took or received any of these drugs from this person, who is an admitted that such things were a part of his healing medicine? Or is it just coincidence that the other athlete from the list of 20 golfers, baseball players , and football players that he treated just so happened to be Alex Rodriguez? Oh, and by the way, A-Rod is an admitted PED user, only he claimed his cousin got them for him. Sure, cousin. That cousin wouldn't have happened to be a disgraced Canadian doctor now, would it? Wait, we understand you won't answer honestly - don't want to blow up your golden goose now.

Now, let's look at the Tiger Woods timeline here. The last tournament he won was back on September 13, 2009, at the BMW Championship, were he defeated the field by eight shots. Now, on Thanksgiving of that same year, he crashed his SUV into a shrubbery (the Knights Who So Formerly Said Ni! were not pleased with this development), a fire hydrant, and finally a tree. He then conveniently removed himself from any other tournaments for 2009.

Now, let's look at 2010. Zero victories. In fact, he even failed to make the Ryder Cup team, an event for which his name had previously been penned in. He would skip events. He would claim his equipment was hindering his performance. Meanwhile, the rest of the tour was mysteriously starting to catch up to him, to the point where he finally relinquished control of the top ranking in the world of golf, dropping to second. Did the effects of all of those golf courses 'Tiger Proofing' themselves finally start to work all of a sudden? Or was it that Woods no longer had the PED advantage he previously had, now that his doctor was busted?

So, we move forward to 2011. Once again, Woods has not won an event. In fact, he has barely been able to finish an event he appeared in, leaving twice due to 'injuries'. Recently, he announced that he would not return until he felt right. Now, HGH and other PEDs can not only help one accumulate muscle mass and strength, but they also help decrease recovery time from various injuries and surgeries. Suddenly, Woods seems to have a lot of 'minor injuries' and other ailments that he never had before. He has been having issues with his Achilles tendon and his left anterior cruciate ligament, which is ironic since steroids have suggested to increase the risk of tendon tears and injuries in athletes.

With everything added up, and with his sudden fall from the pinnacle of his 'sport', there is plenty of evidence suggesting that Tiger Woods has done PEDs. Just because no one has actually seen him get injected means absolutely nothing. Now, the PGA Tour does have a PED testing policy, and a player was caught under the system. However, the PGA Tour is run by THE PLAYERS, and since it is, how serious are they about actually testing for such things? They are smart enough to know that if one of their cash cows got caught, it would ruin golf's image. So, point to the fact that Tiger Woods has never tested positive for PEDs all you want. Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, and Andy Pettitte never tested positive for them either.

Tiger Woods did PEDs. It is just that no one wants to admit it.

1 comment:

  1. baseball is a sport I think not.Jim Thorpe was a ncaa football running back Hale Irwin was a Big 8 all star at defensive back.Tiger never played other sports growing back.I could name 100 other golfers who were athletes but baseball please Babe ruth an athlete.As for tiger blame society corporations and the public .Hopefuly their is nothing to your story but you never know
